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The Mµne-Pi Morality Manifesto - Page 4

The arts provide surreal presentations of the real. Surrealism distorts to emphasize, satirize, and sometimes to neutralize. A passenger-side rearview bears the caption suggesting that objects reflected may appear farther than they really are. The distortions allow a more comprehensive view than the 1:1 truth. Hyperbole in a headline draws the reader in to read the full text that will summarily dismiss the distortion as an innocent device needed to facilitate the fact being communicated. And tragically, innuendo and rumor processed from trace amounts of truth are too often adopted as fact. Jesus exemplifies one who welcomes open debate. To say the least, He was always prepared to defend His position without disallowing countering opinions. Those opposed to religion - believe one's belief something that should be kept private (while many of the ilk celebrate the showing-off of one's privates), work diligently to prohibit and/or corral free expression that conflicts with their own beliefs or disbeliefs. The point of it all is that the intellectual mind counsels the soul. The arts feed the soul through this connection. One of my favorite book titles is A Mind Awake - a compilation of C. S. Lewis' most profound writings. The phrase says so much about this war. We who would endeavor to enlighten must be awake at our posts. ...always thinking. "Nothing comes to sleepers but a dream. - Gap Band. The Morality-Resistant movement has, as its' major weapon, complacency and reticence toward confrontation. We are gifted to have three-dimensional sight because left and right eyes differ in their views. If The Mµne-Pi Parables fails to interest and/or entertain, it has failed greatly in its categorical purpose. But art for interests and entertainment sake alone waste the time of the idiom as well as its' consumers. "We got a message in our music." - Gamble and Huff What we endeavor in this endeavor is to inspire introspection, true open debate, and invitations accepted to test-drive moral notions condemned these days by popular secular closed-minded culture. And for those of you keeping score at home, the sidewalk over the minefield remains intact. Those lost in the minefield below need only look up to see it, then scale the ladder called Christ. M - orality µ = (resistance) N - imbly E - ngaging P - ure-hearted I - intellectualism The morality resistance [symbolized by the variable "µ", or mu (myoo)] stands in faith foundationally against favored-flavors forces of popular deception, to serve the befallen so as not to befall the very loss of our faith - stewards of intellectual property verified in fact and its expedient delivery, in fact. We serve the Truth as we serve the truth. Please enjoy your Mµne-Pi with a refreshing swig of SIDzCarbonatedMilk.


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